Rapid Comfort

The comfortable variant with the unique
Slide-O-Mix Slide feeling

The rapid and reliable solution from ONE bottle
put on, spread, that’s it!

…for all
who are searching for a
slide action without stopping or sticking.

…for all
who do not want to do without the
Slide-O-Mix gliding film, but who are looking for a faster application.

…for all
who do not want to refuse on the Slide-O-Mix Set with his unique possibility to the
individual adjusted preparation of the trombone slide.

By the way: The Slide-O-Mix Classic Set and Rapid Comfort “get along” on the slide, so that a quick re-dosing with Rapid Comfort also is possible if the slide was previously prepared with the Classic Set.

Storage of the Lubricant is ideally at normal room temperature, which also applies for Slide creams. Please protect from frost and also a temperature higher than +60 Celsius should be avoided.